
Simple Guide to the Best Neo Wallets in 2025

If you wonder where to store NEO coins, the answer is a compatible wallet. Part of the network clients work with the base asset of that blockchain, which is the non-divisible NEO token. In the next paragraph, I’ll present a table including the best wallets for NEO combined with detailed review links and main aspects such as type, OS compatibility and supported crypto assets. All that will assist you with the multiple criteria that make up an informed wallet choice. The purpose is extracting the best one matching your needs. Here the full list of wallets working with NEO will come in handy as well.

01.The Best Neo Wallets

The table below presents the best NEO wallets and their most important information. Each functionality is divided into categories, which should assist you when choosing the key factors. In case you need more in-depth data about an exact brand, you can click on the full NEO wallet reviews. There you will find every detail about setup and usage. Here are NEO top representatives:

Type Name Compatibility Supported Coins Features Get Wallet
Desktop Wallets
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Mac

NEO and NEP-5

NEP-6 Tokens

– Official Wallet

– Security

Hardware Wallets
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Mac

80+ Coins

1100+ Tokens

– HD Wallet

– SegWit Support

– Open Source

See Pricing
Mobile Wallets
  • App Store
  • Google Play

NEO and NEP-5

NEP-6 Tokens

– Open Source

– Fast and easy to use

Web Wallets
  • Chrome
  • Mozilla
  • Safari
  • Opera
  • IE

NEO and NEP-5 Tokens

– Open Source

– Allows you to control your private key

Visit Website

Complete List of NEO Wallets

This next table was created to give you a complete picture of the different wallets that support NEO. There is information for all of you. No matter if you want to manage more than a single coin, you are aiming for the highest privacy or your goal is to execute a secured transfer of assets anywhere at any time. The table is structured alphabetically to make your choice a bit easier. Sort the list by different features or only those, which caught your attention. Full reviews of the NEO wallets are one click away as well.

Name Type Compatibility Supported Coins Security Features
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Mac

NEO and NEP-5

NEP-6 Tokens


– Official Wallet

– Security

  • App Store
  • Google Play

80+ Coins

1000+ Tokens

Passphrase, Pin, Fingerprint

– Fiat Gateway

– SegWit Support

– PayByName feature

  • Chrome
  • Mozilla
  • Safari
  • Opera
  • IE

60+ Coins

60+ Tokens


– SegWit Support

– Fiat Gateway

– Built-in Exchange

  • App Store
  • Google Play

12 Coins

100+ Tokens


– Built-in Exchange

– Contact Management

  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Mac

80+ Coins

1100+ Tokens

Passphrase, Pin, 2FA

– HD Wallet

– SegWit Support

– Open-source

  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Mac OS

80+ Coins

1100+ Tokens

Passphrase, Pin, 2FA

– HD Wallet

– SegWit Support

– Open-source

  • Chrome
  • Mozilla
  • Safari
  • Opera
  • IE

NEO and NEP-5 Tokens


– Open-source

– Allows you to control your private key

  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Mac OS

NEO and NEP-5 Tokens


– Open-source

– Cross-platform light wallet

Desktop, Mobile
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Mac OS
  • App Store
  • Google Play

NEO and NEP-5 Tokens

NEP-6 Tokens


– Open-source

– Fast and easy to use

Decide what you need, find it in the table alone or in a combination with other essentials and there you have it – the exact wallet for NEO coins matching your preferences. There are mobile clients for those of you always on the move, there are hardware examples for extra security, desktop representatives for those of you keen on trading from home and so on. What is more, the common features are explained for better understanding.

02. Common Features of NEO Wallets

All NEO compatible wallets can be used for other coins and tokens as well. Just like Ethereum, this blockchain has its own tokens. There is a slight difference in the format though. While ETH’s is ERC20, NEO uses NEP-5 and NEP-6. One of the main features to pay attention to is if the wallet supports both tokens and coins. Good options for that are the official wallets. Their level of privacy and security are high enough to provide you with a safe transaction environment. When going in that direction, I would like to mention that the majority of NEO compatible clients are open source, HD and have two-factor authentication option. For extra transaction protection, CoinPayments and Multiwallet can perform multisignature transactions. In addition, CoinSpot and Satowallet offer a Built-In exchange for faster trading.

Security and Privacy

The nature of cryptocurrency is entirely digital and allows users to generate a lot of income. This makes it attractive to hackers. Every team behind the NEO wallets works towards constant security and privacy innovations and updates. This is a necessity in order to prevent anybody from manipulating and stealing your coins or tokens. For example, there are wallets that hide the data of those involved in a transfer. This way the address of the ones who send and receive a certain amount are not clear to whoever is monitoring the action. Others let you check the open source code for anything suspicious before acting on any transaction. Here are the rest:

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

An extra precaution also referred to as an additional unique credential. It still makes your access fairly easy. It simply asks for a kind of confirmation (SMS or email) before signing you in. Good examples are Multiwallet, Satowallet, and Ledger Blue. 

Hierarchical Deterministic (HD)

It provides the option to easily backup and restore your wallet from one single spot – a seed. You don’t have to save anything else. Good examples are Ledger Blue and Infinito.

Secure NEO Wallets Тo Consider

Transaction Fee Management

With NEO, corporations are the ones paying for the network. Free transactions are part of this coin’s philosophy. With the majority of crypto blockchains, things are the other way around. Aiming for vastly increased economic traffic, the NEO network strategically decides to do go in that direction. Corporations who host such nodes get free advertising and acquire a good reputation among blockchain enthusiasts, being enough stimulating for them to do so already. Unlike other chains, running bookkeeping nodes on the NEO network is not meant to provide direct economic incentives. This results in no competition between the nodes in the network. They all work together to uphold its integrity. Regarding the fees, I can say that moving other tokens will cost 0.001 GAS per transaction. Another thing worth mentioning is that NEO coins can’t be broken-down when moved. You can’t send 0.57 for example, but whole numbers work just fine – 1,2,3,100,500 etc. The broken-down amount will simply disappear. In case you decide to send 6.57 NEO, the other end will get only 6. The rest is gone.


  • Can I send my NEP-5 or other type Tokens to my Neo Wallet?

    If the wallet and the token are compatible, then yes. Make sure you check that before sending, because the act is irreversible.

  • Why I don’t receive the whole amount of NEO?

    The reason is simple – NEO can be only a whole number (1,2,5,10,500). Everything different from that is lost. In case you send or must receive 4.53 NEO, the actual amount will be only 4. The other .53 will disappear forever.

  • Can I send ETH Tokens to my Neo wallet, as they are both Tokens?

    No, because both tokens are totally different. They operate on separate blockchains and don’t have anything in common.

Man sitting in front of a desktop pc and interacting with his Neo coins

04.About Neo

The project was launched officially in 2014 as AntShares. The resources for that were provided by the founders Da Hongfei and Erik Zhang. The project was rebranded to NOE in 2017. The founders’ blockchain consulting company Onchain, distributed 1 ontology (ONT) token for every 5 NEO held in a user’s wallet. They were used for voting on different adjustments and network updates of the platform.

The Genesis Block contained 100 million NEO. Early investors bought half of that. The rest 50 million were used to lock NEO into smart contracts. The plans for the future include unlocking 15 million per year, funding the developers and helping them reach the set goals. The team behind the project had created an interesting method of controlling the GAS inflation rate. They use a decaying half-life algorithm that will release 100 million GAS over approximately 22 years. The network uses dBFT consensus which assists with the support of 10,000 transactions per second. An interesting way of reaching consensus is the randomly selected bookkeeping nodes. This way the validating process is similar to the Hyperledger Fabric and Stellar. They simply use different implementations for solving problems. One important detail about systems employing dBFT is that they can’t be hard forked. Separating the main chain into two is impossible because the NEO mechanism relies on 2/3 majority rule to operate.