

The crypto sphere is like an organism that is constantly changing. What is new today will be replaced by something else tomorrow and the sheer amount of information is staggering. For wallets, that statement cannot be more true. Wallet technology evolves at a blazing speed and they are getting more and more complex. The idea was, just to go to one place and get everything that is needed, without riddles or over-encumbering challenges to understand the wallets. That’s why this website was created so that you have a singular source of trustworthy information, based on long term experience, so you can pick the most suitable wallet for you.

01.About William Carter

That’s Me!

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Hi Everyone,

Welcome to my website, it’s a pleasure to have you as a visitor. I am the main author of the content. Over the last few years, I have been working on building a system for collating the most useful factual data on cryptocurrency wallets, based on firsthand experience and through elaborate research. I hope you will find it unbiased and directly applicable.

02.Ask the Author

I really try to cater for everyone individually as much as possible. Here are some of most popular asked questions, that I receive on email. I hope that you will find my responses fulfilling and helpful in formulating your own.

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    Russel Peters

    What made you embark on this project, what was your motivation?

  • William Carter

    The crypto world clearly lacks a regulatory authority, not in the sense of a government body but one that is responsible for providing genuine and non-biased information to the public. With the abundance of spam and viral speculations, we can be easily fooled to form wrong ideas and false expectations. The project is set out to abolish this bias, by sticking to the facts and offering the truthful user experience of each wallet. In turn, this helps me establish authority and a face to voice my opinion.

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    Chris Bright

    Have you ever been subject to a wallet hack or have experienced any issues while working with them?

  • William Carter

    Well, fortunately, I never had my wallet hacked, but back when I was still learning about them, I used to keep all my coins in an exchange wallet. I had to go to Santa Cruz, Bolivia on a business trip and could not log into my wallet. After a long conversation with customer support, it turned out that in Bolivia, crypto exchanges are banned and thankfully, my coins were safe.

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    Julia Snipes

    What do you do to vent from pressure and get into the headspace for writing?

  • William Carter

    I am a big fan of fishing and hiking, nothing too extreme. I use that away time to clear my head, think about what I want, what is good in my life and what requires attention. Once I have answers to these questions, I then drift into the proper headspace for writing.

If you have any questions that you would like to ask me personally, please feel free. Due to the high volume of correspondence that I am accustomed to, I ask for your understanding in a flexible response time. Thank you!